June 26, 2017

Dear Lover,

I’ve noticed lately we’ve become very good at speaking in “ifs”, to ourselves and to others. “If we have a family”, and “if we needed more living space”, and “if we had children of our own”.  And I love you to pieces for it.

Thank you for always showing me I am worth more than my ability to create a family, but for also participating in the dream and supporting me as we walk through this together.  Thank you for reminding me always in your words and actions that we have no expectations, of life or each other, except to always act in love.  Thank you for your patience and deep, compassionate understanding as I come to terms with my body and its role in our relationship.  And thank you, most of all, for doing all of this without being asked, and without ever looking for glory.  I honestly don’t even think you realize you’re doing these things, because that’s just how innately kind and loving you are.  Never have I believed more that we are just one soul.  I’ve seen how what hurts me hurts you.  I’ve seen the happiness you feel when I experience joy.  I’ve experienced the pride you feel when I succeed.  And I feel all of those things as I watch you walk through life.  You carry my heart in your heart.

When I was a little girl and first read Wuthering Heights, I remember thinking that’s what real love was.  Two people who just knew they needed to be together, because that’s just how it needed to be.  She says about him, “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are but the same”.  I’d say that pretty much sums us up.



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