September 8, 2016

Dear Lover,

Today I turned 32 years old.  The day kind of crept up on us because it’s been such a busy week, and September is a busy month.  It really makes me appreciate how my mum celebrated my birthday every year, even though she must have been so busy.

I went to yoga at 6:45, because it’s one of my favourite things to do.  You weren’t disappointed that we weren’t spending time together, and instead encouraged me to go.  You had Pizza Hut (cheesy bread just for me) waiting for me when I got home.   You also got Pet Insurance for Bear, so I suppose you bought us both peace of mind.

I love growing up and growing older with you.  I truly feel we get better each and every year.  I can’t believe we’ve celebrated so many birthdays together.

Thanks for making every day so special that my birthday doesn’t need to stand out.  Being married to you is the greatest gift.  I love you.
